Speech therapy to improve expressive language skills

Our therapy helps children, teenagers and young adults find the words and ability to express themselves so they can be truly heard. As speech pathologists we are experienced in identifying why our clients are having difficulties communicating and how to help. It may be due specific speech or language processing issues or sometimes there can be undiagnosed underlying comprehension issues adding to their challenges.

How we help develop language skills:

Assessment: As speech pathologists, we use standardised language assessments in order to understand which elements of language processing are our client’s strengths or which are causing them to struggle.

Therapy: A personalised expressive language therapy program may include improving;

1. Vocabulary and knowing what word to use and when

2. How to sequence their ideas in a logical and organised manner

3. How to understand information more accurately and quickly

4. How to understand the subtler elements of language (inference, humour, sarcasm, figurative language)

5. Linking concepts learnt at school to their lives and the wider world context

6. Verbal problem solving, whether that be in a social context or when writing

7. Memory and recall skills to help with expanding on and expressing ideas

8. Essay writing, homework, assignments and all forms of written expression

We encouraged our school aged clients to bring their classroom materials, such as assignments or exam preparation material, to therapy sessions to be used as ‘live’ examples. As their school work is relevant to them personally, this is more motivating for them than generic activities, and also ensures the techniques and skills learnt in therapy can be directly applied to their school work.

Please get in touch to ask how we can help

Please note: There are some students whose communication struggles stem from deeper emotional and psychological difficulties. In these cases, we are always sensitive, and ethically bound, to make recommendations for complementary professional services that will serve the overall social and emotional wellbeing of our students.


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